GREEN campaigners will dress as polar bears to raise awareness about climate change.

Members of Greenwich and Lewisham Friends of Earth will be meeting at Catford Broadway on Saturday to talk to residents about the Climate Change Bill.

And Deptford MP Joan Ruddock MP will be backing the environmental group's campaign at a public meeting at Lewisham Town Hall on December 7.

Friends of the Earth's Climate Change Bill calls for year-on-year reductions of greenhouse gases in the UK to ensure the Government meets its 60-per-cent reduction by 2050.

Ms Ruddock and Lewisham West MP Jim Dowd have both signed the early day motion for the bill.

She said: "I have long been a supporter of measures to tackle climate change and I am in full support of Friends of the Earth's campaign."

The Greenwich and Lewisham group's chairman, Ted Burke, said: "This meeting is a great opportunity for residents and representatives to discuss what is being done to tackle climate change in Lewisham."