A DANCE teacher who was smashed in the face with a bottle is calling for witnesses to help find her attacker.

Julie Francis was on her way home when she was assaulted in Craigerne Road, Charlton.

She now wants justice for the physical injuries she suffered during the attack.

The 30-year-old was turning into Craigerne Road when she heard footsteps behind her.

As she turned around she was hit in the face several times with a bottle.

Once she had fallen to the ground, the attacker carried on hitting her with the bottle until she lost consciousness. He then ran off when residents came out of their homes.

Ms Francis suffered serious wounds to her face, arms and chest and is reminded of the attack every time she looks in the mirror.

She said: "He beat me until I was unconscious so I would not remember what he looked like.

"I can't believe it happened, especially so close to my home.

"I threw my bag away from me so he would just pick it up and leave me alone.

"It was an unnecessary attack and now he has left me with permanent scars across my face as a constant reminder of what he did to me. Now I want justice. "

The suspect is around 19-years-old, white, 6ft tall and was wearing a navy blue hooded top with white writing on the front of it and dark tracksuit bottoms with white trainers.

Officers would like to hear from anyone in the area who may have attended a party with fireworks that evening.

Anyone with information about the incident, which took place at 4.30am on July 25, should call police on 020 8284 9449.