CHILDREN are turning the tables on their naughty parents who do not recycle enough.

A survey published by action group Recycle for London has revealed eight out of 10 young people in Lewisham feel their elders should be recycling more regularly.

Now young people in the borough have the chance to take charge of their parents, by making them sign a contract to commit to more recycling.

Lewisham Council's sign on the dotted line campaign will see children being taught more about recycling at school.

The youngsters will then be asked to go home and give a presentation to their parents before asking them to sign the deal.

Lewisham Mayor Steve Bullock said: "This is the first and only time I will be encouraging children to put pressure on their parents."

The campaign was launched last week by Lewisham's young environmentalist of the year Chloe Qureshi.

Nine-year-old Chloe won the award for setting up her own website about recycling.

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