The benefits and heightened security which come with using an estate agent could make the potentially stressful ordeal of moving home a breeze.

For starters the service is not as expensive as you may think, according to the property website the UK average agents fee of two per cent is the lowest in Europe.

Other more specific bonuses to keep in mind is that local agent s have an in depth knowledge and experience of the area in which you wish to move. This will be especially beneficial if you are moving somewhere you do not know.

The agent will also have established contacts in the area, so when it comes to marketing your home they'll have the edge.

Andrew Miller has 40 years experience as an estate agent. He works at Linnay & Shipp's Bromley office.

He said: "Marketing your home privately is difficult as the most you can do is continue paying for space in the newspaper or raise a private for sale board.

"Agents also bring 24 hour marketing to the agreement, by using websites such as Your Move or Fish4Homes, which are the automatic places people look when they are house hunting."

Techniques such as the high street estate agent window have proved very successful, especially at Linnay and Shipp. They also benefit from having many years of experience and reputation.

Andrew agrees that people who choose to market their homes privately, although they are a vast minority, don't often realise how expensive it can be.

"People rarely buy the first house they enquire about," adds Andrew. "Having a huge bank of similar homes means we can suggest alternatives to buyers.

"People don't have a good opinion of private sales . They think they are cheaper but ill-informed or the seller has had no advice. The seller is acting in isolation and buyers may try to squeeze the price way down."

Andrew reminds buyers that agents are obliged to get the best price possible for their homes, as it is in everyone's best interest.

If you are selling or buying privately without the professional knowledge, advice and experience of an agent you could end up getting less for your money which in the current market is not a wise investment move.