WHETHER it's the dreary British weather or the thought of owning a villa overlooking the Mediterranean, the number of Britons planning to buy a property abroad is set to double, according to Barclays.

Five per cent of people asked already owned a home abroad, with a further five per cent saying they would definitely buy a property in another country in the future.

But although buying an apartment overseas may seem a dream come true, many are aware there are practical concerns which come with it.

Over half of those who are considering a purchase said they were concerned about local legal or tax issues, 17 per cent were worried about the security of an empty property and eight per cent feared they might be overcharged by the seller.

A further 14 per cent were worried they did not know the local language well enough to arrange the deal.

When it comes to the location of the property, Spain proved the most popular, with 30 per cent saying they would buy there. The USA came second with 15 per cent, followed closely by France, with 14 per cent.

Suzanne Clay, head of European business development at Barclays, said: "The trend towards owning property abroad shows no sign of abating and could go through the roof if people were confident of a hassle-free purchase.

"Many people are likely to use it for holiday purposes but are not averse to letting the property out to help with mortgage repayments. Many will also use their home abroad to retire to."