UK homeowners would offer their tenants a good quality service if they were in a landlords shoes, according to a survey by Norwich Union.

The UK-based insurer asked homeowners what their priorities would be should they become a landlord.

More than two-thirds cited security and insurance as the top item they would invest in, compared to only 15 per cent citing decor as top priority and nine per cent were attracted by the latest gadgets.

Half of these could-be landlords would be most riled by tenants who showed a general lack of respect for the property, compared to just under a quarter who said late payment of rent would be the biggest problem.

Presenter of BBC's Trading Up programmes Louise Lear, has supported the Norwich Union survey.

She said: "The buy-to-let market is booming and people are fast realising that to be competitive you have to be responsible and professional. There is a lot of legislation protecting both parties, so it is a more equal relationship."

Nearly three-quarters of the homeowners think the bad reputation associated with landlords is unjustified in todays market.