In a dynamic, fast-paced industry such as catering, it is important to keep on top of the constantly-evolving methods and styles of food preparation.

That's why Lewisham College invites well-known chefs to give tips and training to hospitality students.

Last month, Jo McKay, a chef at the Grosevnor Marriot Hotel in central London, attended the college for a day to give new recipes and useful cooking techniques.

Aidan Fullerton, a chef lecturer at Lewisham College, believes creating and maintaining links with the industry is important, as cooking methods are constantly changing and evolving.

He said: "Having a well-respected chef come and cook with the students for the day gives them a different perspective on cooking.

"They all learnt different means of preparing, cooking and presenting food."

Aidan believes this method of teaching will help the students when they finish their course and look for jobs in the industry.

He said: "The students carry out work experience every week between September and June, which invariably leads to them getting permanent jobs.

"Maintaining links with the industry is crucial for the success of the course and the industry itself."

Grosevnor chef Jo McKay agrees. She said: "We won't get any new, talented chefs coming through through unless we maintain links between the industry and the colleges.

"It's important established chefs give something back."

Other chefs in the area have followed suit and another top cook is lined up to come work with the students next term.

Mr Fullerton said: "The chefs are very eager to help. It allows them to give a positive input into the curriculum."