I'm a qualified electrician and would like to set up my own business. Where do I start? Mr B Williams, Gravesend.

Careers consultant David Sanders answers: There is constant demand for the services of good electricians, so starting your own business is an excellent idea. Electricians at the top of the trade enjoy high salaries and greater control over their workload.

Before you set the wheels in motion, there are certain points to keep in mind:

  • You will need to have your own transport and a wide range of equipment and parts.
  • It is highly advantageous to be able to self-certify your work, in accordance with building regulations.
  • You will possibly have to work unsociable hours.
  • The training needed to start out on your own can be long and complex.

If you decide to take the plunge, your next stop could be Business Link for London.

They run a free programme, called StartQuest, which will be tailored to your needs and provides straightforward and wide-ranging advice on the basics of getting a business up and running.

For more information visit businesslink4london.com