A TERRIFIED toddler was left in a pool of her own blood after being run down by a cyclist riding on the pavement.

Little Bailey Davis was rushed to hospital by ambulance after being clattered outside her Crayford High Street home.

Her mum Marion Flaughter was taking the three-year-old to creche when the cyclist suddenly appeared sending the youngster flying through the air.

Concerned neighbours managed to speak to the cyclist and get his details but he rode off before the police and an ambulance arrived.

Bailey suffered serious cuts under her chin and across her mouth and lost two teeth.

Medics at Darent Valley Hospital, Dartford, gave her several stitches under general anaesthetic.

Mrs Flaughter says cyclists regularly used the pavement and it is only a matter of time before somebody else is rundown.

Now the 36-year-old and her partner Simon Davis, a chauffeur, say something must be done.

The fitness instructor said: "I am shocked and devastated, the cyclist should never have been on the pavement.

"This street is on a dangerous hill but there are no speed bumps or cameras despite lots of accidents.

"We've complained to the council many times but we are just being ignored we are considering moving now because we just don't feel safe here.

"I would feel happy if he was punished in some way, he could have killed her if you look at it that way, he should be behind bars."

A spokesman for Bexley Council said: "We are aware of the number of accidents in the area and have already submitted a bid to Transport for London which would improve safety for motorists and pedestrians."