TOP Tory councillors are calling for a review of the way local authorities are funded claiming Bromley is getting a bad deal from Government.

They say the borough is seen as affluent and is low down the grants list.

Only Richmond and Havering received less than Bromley for this financial year.

In the past four years, Bromley has been given extra cash for education only and nothing more for inflation or other departments.

The Tories also say the system does not look at the less-well-off pockets such as the Crays.

But independent councillor for Kelsey and Eden Park Rod Reed said: "Service cuts could have been prevented if money had been managed more wisely."

Cllr Reed says this could be done by reducing councillors' allowances and using the growing reserves for community safety schemes.

Council leader Councillor Stephen Carr says they are reluctant to use reserves because the funding problem is long-term.

He says the council delivers high-quality services and the audit commission has described Bromley Council's finance management as excellent.

He added: "No amount of long-term planning and careful financial management can change the fact the people of Bromley are blatantly not getting their fair share of grants."