SCHOOLCHILDREN, parents and teachers, inspired by celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, have been learning cooking and healthy eating can be fun.

The youngsters made fruit kebabs, vegetable caterpillars, fruit smoothies, carrot muffins and vegetarian sausage rolls, with their parents and teachers at three different schools.

They came from Castlecombe primary, Castlecombe Road, Mottingham, Mottingham primary, Ravensworth Road, Mottingham, and Red Hill Primary School, Red Hill, Chislehurst.

The activities were lead by Bromley Primary Care Trust and the Bromley Children Project, a community project helping families based on their needs.

The programmes included Big Cook Little Cook, where Year 2 children learned to cook with their parents and Apples and Pears, where Year 4 pupils were taught cooking skills.

Bromley Children Project dietician Rachel Oostra said: "Jamie Oliver's television series alerted parents and teachers to the links between diet and obesity and behaviour.

"The work we do helps people understand the importance of a healthy diet and gives them knowledge to make healthy food choices and a better chance of leading long, healthy lives."

For information, call Bromley Children Project on 020 8313 4120.