A SHOW celebrating the end of the Second World War with 60 years of fashion has proved a sell-out hit.

Organised by Age Concern Bexley, the event was the charity's way of marking the 60th anniversary of VE and VJ days.

Held in the civic offices in Bexleyheath, the fashion show was sponsored by Home Front Recall, a joint lottery grants programme, and was designed to appeal to people of all generations.

As a result Age Concern worked with pupils from Townley Grammar School, Townley Road, Bexleyheath.

And graduate designers Kelly Allen and Julia Hardy from Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication, in Bromley, provided contemporary fashion.

Vintage clothes were supplied by Age Concern's Sidcup shop, Greenwich Observatory and The Vintage Shop in Otford.

The show also included Erith and District Old Timers performing a 1940s' jive routine, pupils from Townley Grammar performing a 1950s' rock n' roll dance and Louise and Andreas performing a 1990s' salsa.

The event proved so popular it quickly sold all of its 200 tickets and Age Concern is already being pressed to put on a similar event next year.