A GANG of hoodies' mocked a motorist as he writhed on the ground in agony after chasing them for stoning his car.

Robert Leaney was driving along University Way, Dartford, with his wife Lisa when a brick smashed into the passenger side of his vehicle's windscreen.

The 40-year-old stopped his Mercedes estate, which he had been driving at 40mph, and gave chase up a steep embankment.

The gang of seven youths, aged 14 to 17, were running towards Temple Hill but stopped when they saw Mr Leaney collapse.

The father-of-two, who runs a business rebuilding automatic gearboxes, had slipped a disc and was battling to get to his feet.

As the hoodies' laughed and jeered, Mr Leaney managed to clamber back to his car where he once again collapsed in agony.

Mrs Leaney took him to Darent Valley Hospital, where he remains while doctors consider operating on the prolapsed disc.

Mrs Leaney, 36, says they saw the hooded yob who threw the brick seconds before it smashed into the car.

She said: "He was walking casually across the road, then he spun around and threw the brick at us.

"He had a smirk on his face and just before he threw it I said to my husband I bet he's been up to no good'."

Mrs Leaney, of Holmleigh Avenue, Dartford, added: "They were wearing the usual caps and hoods.

"I'm sure there were two girls with them.

"One looked about eight months' pregnant. She was the only one who didn't run.

"My husband's back went as he ran up the bank and he collapsed. They just started laughing at him.

"As he tried to get back to the car, he asked the pregnant girl to tell him who the other kids were but she said no I can't do that'."

Mrs Leaney called the police and asked them to call the fire brigade as the gang had also set fire to a pile of rubble by the side of the road.

She said: "I was shaking with fright and it was quite lonely out there, so we decided to drive back.

"The police took my address and said they would send someone to assess the damage but they didn't call us until four days later and they still haven't been round to see the damage.

"I feel let down. It could have been an elderly couple in the car or someone with a baby.

"If the brick had gone completely through the glass I would not want to have seen the state of my face.

"I am disgusted and I blame the parents.

"They must know their children are up to no good, especially with a girl in that condition."

She added: "My husband is in a hell of a lot of pain and we've had to take on two new members of staff to keep the business going.

"I want these kids to be caught. They were just running wild and their parents need to know what they're up to."

Police spokesman Sergeant Rod Chapman said: "A patrol was sent to the scene immediately.

"It appears the victim carried on driving to her destination, meaning the patrol could not speak to the victim or see the damage caused to the car.

"The police patrol which attended did search the area looking for the offenders."

The boy who threw the brick is white, around 5ft 4in tall and has dark hair.

He was dressed all in black or navy blue and was wearing a hooded top and glasses.

Anyone with information about the incident at 9pm on November 5 should call police on 01474 565167.