PARK users have begged council bosses to rebuild their beloved cafe, because they say their park is "dying" without it.

Le Cafe, in Avery Hill Park, New Eltham, was torched by vandals five weeks ago but the council has yet to confirm whether it will be rebuilt.

Now park-goers have issued a simple message to the decision-makers "We want our cafe back".

The cafe was gutted by the fire, which concluded a hate campaign which saw it targeted by vandals eight times within a month.

It was used by a host of community groups and was a regular destination for dog walkers, families and students at the nearby University of Greenwich.

The Avery Hill Park Users' Group, which helped run the cafe, has met with council chiefs and says it has had some positive feedback.

But group chairman Teresa Hull is urging it to take the plunge and make a firm commitment to restoring the much-loved cafe.

She said: "The park is like a graveyard at the moment, it feels empty. The cafe was the linchpin of the park but there is nothing there now.

"People are really missing it. I have had people coming up to me in the street asking me when we will have our cafe back.

"We would advise the people making the decision to look at the park now. Look at how empty and lacking it is. It is dying."

The children's playground next to the cafe has been closed since the fire, because the burnt-out building is unsafe.

Mrs Hull claims this means the number of visitors to the park has decreased markedly.

The campaigners have been backed in their fight by Eltham MP Clive Efford and ward councillors including Eltham south member Councillor Eileen Glover.

Cllr Glover said: "I want the council to give a firm commitment to rebuilding the cafe.

"We need it back. It has a great family atmosphere and is a real hub of the community."

Greenwich Council says it will decide on the future of the cafe after "proper analysis" is carried out.

A spokesman added: "We will listen to the views of the community before any final decision is made."