At the start of the November meeting, a short silence in respect Mrs Barbara Gill, chairman of the National Federation of Women's Institute's, was observed.

The president warmly welcomed Jenny Papadopulos, W I adviser, and two members of the Longfield WI, who were to be the tellers for the AGM.

Yearly reports were given by the president, secretary and treasurer and it was hoped that our 2006 programme might be produced on the computer to save expense.

After tea, Mrs Papadopulos described her thoughts on the bones' within the body of the WI - from lazybones and jawbones to the backbone (the committee). Under her guidance a new committee was then formed and June Hanrahan agreed to be re-elected as president.

During the afternoon sales on the craft stall, £38 was raised and the Denman Bursary draw took place when Mrs I Langworthy was the lucky winner.

Longfield Hill WI next meet on Thursday, December 8 from 1.30pm to 4pm at the Scout Hall, when the entertainment will be home-grown'.

All visitors will receive a very warm welcome.