"Society is stupid and I'll tell you why. I don't know why but I know in my conscience, that it knows it's stupid and that is bad for the soul and that is why together we must all improve society."

These are not the words of Bentham, Descartes or Marx but of 27-year-old Asher Gould, from Hendon, creative producer on the James Whale show on Talk Radio.

Asher has a unique outlook on life, the universe and everything and seems quite willing to divulge his philosophical reflections.

He comes across as a thoroughly entertaining, if a little zany, character with plenty to say for himself -- a natural for radio.

Originally from Birmingham, Asher studied in Manchester ("I stayed in bed and had fun") and decided to seek his fame and fortune in the music business in London.

Through a family connection, Asher began working behind the scenes on the Saturday sports show for Independent Radio News before moving to LBC where he worked as a studio producer.

"Then, about three years ago, I phoned Talk Radio and asked if there was any work going," said Asher, "and they said come in. I started working on the Sean Bolger show and was then offered the James Whale show. They saw my skills and demanded that I get on the Whale show."

Asher is not boasting but merely highlighting his enthusiasm for his job and the success of the show which is now the biggest national radio programme for its time slot. As creative producer Asher is able to occasionally broadcast on air with James Whale although he resents being called a sidekick.

"We bounce off each other very well," he said, "When I'm on air with him we do some funny bits and pieces and I suppose in that way I am his sidekick.

"But I don't like being called that because I get a picture in my head of James kicking me from the side."

According to Asher the James Whale show is ground-breaking radio that sometimes causes offence. He said:

"The show is no holds barred and we like to push the boundaries.

"People phone in to say they don't like it but I think they really love it.

"They're just repressed by what it's like in this country. The audience figures speak for themselves so the proof is in the pudding in the pie in the cake."

Asher is keen to try some presenting at some stage in the future and this seems far removed from his original aspirations as he never really knew where his ambitions lay and would have been quite happy to follow his father into business.

His initial musical ambitions changed all that. He still retains an interest in various musical genres, saying: "I'm into lashings of good stuff including funk, jazz, dub, reggae and good house."

Asher is not afraid to acknowledge that he comes across as a laid-back person and said: "You've got to have leisure and relaxation time. I like to lounge and I might be a bit of a loafer but I do put the hard hours in. I haven't had a holiday for two years."

And what better place to relax than Hendon, which Asher believes to be cool and very quiet apart from when he plays his music.

But, of course, Asher could not finish without another philosophical musing.

Apart from his visions of a computer-based nationwide voting system on individual policies, he said: "Loads of little things in society all add up to irritate me, for example we are all fooled by slogans like 'things can only get better'."

Nevertheless Asher was still willing to concede that despite his sceptical views on society his cheery nature prevails: "Life's pretty good actually and I do have a laugh and a good time. I think everyone should work and enjoy life."

Move over Karl Marx, the world is ready for Asher Gould.

* You can hear Asher on The James Whale Show on Talk Radio 1053 and 1089 medium wave, Sunday to Thursday from 9pm to 1am.

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