Public transport issues were on the agenda at the latest Debate of the Age meeting.

The fourth out of a series of five Debate of the Age meetings in Barnet, covering aspects of how society will deal with an ageing population in the millennium, was held at Edgware Community Hospital on Saturday.

The four panelists on hand to lead the discussion were campaigner Myra Reynolds; Stan Davidson, who is on the steering group that is helping determine the future of the Edgware Hospital site; architect John Kay; and Andrew Braddock, head of the disabled unit at London Transport. Chairing the debate was the chief executive of the Barnet Healthcare Trust, Murray Duncanson.

The debate concentrated on the built environment -- where and how to house the growing number of single, elderly households in the next century and how to provide the best amenities for it, including public transport.

The audience at the discussion, however, seemed more concerned with voicing their discontent over public transport in the borough. One participant complained about seating in bus shelters, another complained about buses not keeping to a timetable, and several were concerned about the lack of facilities for wheelchair users at Underground stations.

Mr Braddock said: "We will only get a reliable service on the roads when buses are given proper priority as they are elsewhere in Europe. We need someone to sort the problems out."

Responding to concerns over buses that are difficult for wheelchair users to get on and off, he said that all new buses will now be low-floor buses and are wheelchair-accessible and all buses would be fully accessible in eight to ten years. London Underground is also planning to have 70 Tube stations fully wheelchair-accessible during the next ten to 15 years.

All at the meeting agreed with Mr Duncanson's view that there is a level of insensitivity when it came to planning houses and buildings for elderly and disabled residents and that this had to change.

Mr Kay said that for new homes, as much as possible should be nearby. "We need to make sure that everything is not too far way from people's front doors: open spaces, shops, libraries etc. They should not be more than 400 yards away."

The final Debate of the Age will be at the Hendon campus of Middlesex University on February 25 from 7pm to 9pm. Panelists include London North MEP Pauline Green.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.