The claims come from the Fieldway Residents' Association, whose members are up in arms at the fate of their 130 bus route.

Since trams started running between New Addington and Croydon four weeks ago, the 130 route has been drama-tically cut.

There is now one less bus an hour during the day, no buses after 7pm, and no Sunday service.

The residents' are accusing London Transport of deliberately downgrading the route and of clouding its future in such uncertainty that passengers feel forced to switch to the trams.

They believe this will leave the 130 a ghost route that can be easily closed down.

The 130 route is currently on a two month stay of execution, after which time LT will review the numbers of users and decide whether it can justify trams and buses duplicating a similar route.

Gwen Jones, chairman of Fieldway Residents Association told the Guardian her members were demanding that the 130 be safeguarded.

"We want LT to leave our 130 bus route alone and bring it back to its usual timetable. To me they are doing this deliberately to force people on the trams.

"The trams are more expensive and less convenient for people in Fieldway. We will not be forced on to something we didn't ask for and didn't want."

A LT spokesman said there would be consultation before a final decision was made, but added: "It remains our contention that it is a misuse of public funds to pay for two different services on the same route.

"We have a brand new tramway and bus services providing a much better service in the area than the 130 ever provided."