A BLIND woman was caught in the middle of confusion over bus fares in Watford when she was forced to pay for a journey the local authority assured her would be free.

Miss Michelle Craig travels from Watford Junction Station to Edgware every day for work and bought a pass from the council to avoid paying for individual journeys.

She was assured by Watford Council the pass was valid for her journey but Arriva bus company, which operates the route on behalf of London Bus Services, said this is not the case and she must pay 40p.

London Bus Services agree with Watford Council that no charge should be made.

Most drivers on Miss Craig's route do not charge her but, occasionally, she is forced to pay.

To add to the confusion, a spokesman for Watford Council stated Miss Craig should not pay and said she was sometimes forced to pay due to a misprint on the drivers' fare chart.

An Arriva spokesman said Miss Craig should always have to pay to travel to Edgware. A London Bus Services spokesman said there was no misprint and it was clear from the fare chart that no payment is required.

The situation has left Miss Craig feeling humiliated on the occasions when she has been forced to pay.

She said: 'It is not the money that is the problem but the fact is I have paid for a bus pass from Watford Council and they say I should travel free.

'When the driver would not let me on without paying I was humiliated by the situation, it is embarrassing to stand there and argue over 40p.'

A spokesman for Watford Council said: 'The lady's pass certainly should entitle her to free travel on that route.

'We have had complaints about this route and the problem seems to be a misprint on the fare table issued to drivers.

'The table is being re-printed and it should sort the problem out.'

But Arriva know nothing of this and its spokesman said: 'The route the lady travels on is run by us on behalf of London Bus Services, which means they pay us to operate it and they set the rules for fares.

'London Bus Services' fare table states people with blind and disabled passes must pay 40p to travel from Watford to Edgware and that is what should happen.'

This has been refuted by London Bus Services.

Its spokesman said: 'It is quite clear, the fare table states people with blind and disabled passes should not have to pay for this journey.

'All Arriva has to do is read the table we have sent them.'