because his bedroom is dangerously overcrowded, say his parents.

Six-year-old Taylor Fryer has to share a tiny room with his sisters Lauren, 16, and nine-year-old Chelsey at the two-bedroom council home in Pattison Walk, Plumstead.

The Foxfield Primary School pupil was looking forward to a summer of fun with his friends but now faces at least six weeks in traction at Greenwich District Hospital.

His dad, Kevin Groves, 39, said the two younger children sleep in bunk-beds but the only place in the room to put them is by the window.

"Normally Taylor sleeps on the bottom bunk but sometimes he gets in with his sister on the top bunk," he said.

"It was really hot that night so his sister had opened the window. Taylor must have rolled over in his sleep and fallen out.

"I heard a big crash and ran outside. Luckily he landed on the downstairs door which was open and that bounced him onto the grass."

Mr Groves lives apart from his partner, Debbie Fryers, 36, and their children in John Wilson Street, Woolwich, as there is not enough room at the Plumstead house.

He said: "Debbie has asked Greenwich Council for a move but they said we don't have enough points."

Council guidelines state that children of the opposite sex need their own rooms if one of them is more than 10 years old and all children over 16 need their own bedroom.

A spokesman for Greenwich Council said: "The family were very specific about the type of property and location they wanted, telling us they were only willing to consider a house which is not on an estate.

"As most of our larger properties tend to be on estates, it has been difficult to fulfil this request."

She added: "If they had been prepared to accept a three or four-bedroom maisonette, then we would have been able to help them fairly quickly."

Miss Fryer said she did ask for a house but added there are just two estates she would not consider moving into.