The pamphlet, Keep Kids Safe, has been published to coincide with the school holidays and offers simple advice on how to prevent accidents in the home.

Teaching your children of dangers in the home, looking at ways to reduce risk in the house and looking after your children yourself are just a few of the many tips which are covered in the leaflet.

The Health Authority's medical advisor, Dr Thelma Thomas, commented: "During the summer holidays children are more prone to accidents - they are out and about more and it can be hard to supervise them all the time.

"Accidents can happen in a split second. Simple precautions make the home a safer place, prevent distressing accidents and can even save lives.

"But you don't have to panic - simple first aid can be quickly used and there is plenty of help and advice available."

The leaflet advises on what to do if your child does have an accident at home.

One section of the leaflet advises you on how to save a child's adult tooth if he or she has fallen and knocked one out.

DO pick it up by the crown.

DO NOT touch the root.

DO rinse the tooth gently in milk if it is dirty.

DO NOT scrub the tooth, put it in ice or use disinfectant or soap

DO hold the tooth by the crown and push the root gently back into the socket

DO go straight to the dentist.

Keep Kids Safe has already been distributed throughout Hounslow by the health authority and can be found in the borough's GP surgeries and pharmacies.