After recent reports on the poor state of some parks in the Borough I am pleased to say how well Cherry Tree Wood in East Finchley is currently being managed.

It is a lovely park in the remains of ancient woodland and is extremely well used, especially on hot summer days. It has its problems: graffiti, vandalism, rubbish, even attacks on wild life.

But generally things have been kept under control. This may be due to the existence of a very active Friends of the Wood which I have recently joined, and also of the appointment last year of a permanent park keeper.

In conjunction with the council and the countryside management services we have also begun a regeneration scheme for the ageing woodland.

I strongly recommend that regular users of other parks make sure they also join or create a Friends group. But in any event, I hope their parks rapidly improve in the very near future. They are such an asset.

Martin Earl

Friends of Cherry Tree Wood

Leslie Road, East Finchley