This week, the News Shopper has joined forces with show organisers Air Displays International to offer readers the chance to win tickets for the show and see some of the legendary wartime aircraft in action.

Additionally, our first-prize winner will have the chance to take to the skies with a £100 Into the Blue voucher. This can be exchanged towards the cost of a massive range of activities, from flights in classic aircraft to ballooning, tank driving, yachting and off-roading.

An unprecedented line-up of up to 22 Spitfires and Hurricanes is expected for the 'Salute to the Few', a fly-past honouring the bravery and sacrifice of Britain's airmen.

The day will include aerial displays by both classic aircraft and their hi-tech modern counterparts, including the first Biggin Hill appearance of the mighty American B52 bomber and a breathtaking performance by the Red Arrows.

A family ticket for the show, which admits a car and up to five passengers, costs £24 if booked in advance on the ticket hotline, 01959 578100. The price at the gate on the day is £30. Individual tickets are priced £11 for adults and £4 for children aged six to 15 if booked in advance, £14 and £5 on the day.

Children five and under are admitted free and there is no charge for car parking.

First prize in our competition is a £100 Into the Blue Voucher plus a family ticket for the show. There will be 10 more family tickets for the runner-ups. To enter, answer the questions below.

Send your answers on a postcard or stuck-down envelope to Biggin Hill Competition, News Shopper, Mega House, Crest View Drive, Petts Wood, Orpington, Kent BR5 1BT, to arrive no later than Friday, September 1. The usual News Shopper rules apply.

In which year was the Battle of Britain?

Which American military aircraft is set to make its debut at Biggin Hill?

Name one of the classic wartime fighter planes taking part in the Battle of Britain 60th Anniversary Air Show at Biggin Hill.