Irrespective of Councillor Brian Coleman's bigotry against all travellers, his rash promise that there would never be a permanent travellers' site in Barnet was broken before the words ever left his mouth (Times Group, September 21).

Irrespective of Councillor Brian Coleman's bigotry against all travellers, his rash promise that there would never be a permanent travellers' site in Barnet was broken before the words ever left his mouth (Times Group, September 21).

William Hague has already promised just weeks ago that the Tories would force Barnet to have a permanent site regardless of the views of residents. Considering Councillor Coleman is bidding to be the new Tory group leader, one could have expected him to have known this. Tory councillors voting in the leadership election must now be wondering if Councillor Coleman really is a breath of fresh air.

Councillor Alan Williams

Labour Group Leader and Leader of the Council