Cunning dog thieves are believed to have used an Alsatian stolen from Feltham in an elaborate honey trap to ensnare an amorous guard dog.

The dog, valued at £300, was lifted out from a back garden on Wilton Parade, off Feltham High Street on September 13.

A man was seen climbing over a fence into the garden before lifting Sheeba, who weighs 30kg, out. In the early hours of the next morning, three men with an Alsatian cut open a fence in Brentford and stole a Rottweiler.

The guard dog, Paddy, valued at £500, was the working companion of security guard Patrick McGovern who believes the thieves used the female Alsatian as bait.

Mr McGovern's grand daughter Diana Gregory said: "The Rottweiler was on heat and probably followed the Alsatian off."

Sheeba's owner Jerry Lewis said the Belgium Shepherd had distinctive white hind legs. He said: "I am not worried about the money. I have had her since she was a puppy and so she is my companion."

An RSPCA spokesman said the dogs were probably stolen for breeding because of their pedigree.

He said: "Owners should microchip their animals to make it easier to trace the animal if it is stolen."