A SCHEME to encourage parents to introduce their children to books at an early age has spread from Bromley to Tokyo,

The success of the Bookstart and Baby Bounce and Rhyme scheme at Bromley central library has reached Japan.

Currently, nothing like Bookstart exists in Japan.

Kenya Okamoto, director of publishers Iwanami Shoten Inc, said: "We recognise that, in Japan, young children are not reading enough and we hope we can learn from the Bromley Bookstart model." Bromley Mayor Councillor David Crowe has met with a number of Japanese publishers and hosted a visit to the library scheme.

Early Years literacy development officer Ian Dodds said "We are very pleased with the success of Bookstart and are really excited we have been singled out as one of the best book trusts."

For more information about Bookstart and Baby Bounce and Rhyme, call Mr Dodds on 020 8460 9955 ext 227.