At a time when the tragedy at Hatfield is at the front of our minds I would like to ask readers to consider something that is all too often at the back of our minds.

At a time when the tragedy at Hatfield is at the front of our minds I would like to ask readers to consider something that is all too often at the back of our minds.

Four people have been killed this month in Hertfordshire on the railways; four people are killed each and every month in Hertfordshire on the roads. While the former is quite rightly regarded as a disaster, we do not seem to give the same importance to the latter.

Now the country is giving a great deal of thought to rail safety, can I make a plea for all of us also to THINK! road safety.

With the help of our THINK! public awareness campaign, by 2010 we must meet new targets set by the government to reduce road deaths and serious injuries which are to achieve a 40% reduction in the number of people killed or seriously injured; 50% fewer children being killed or seriously injured and a 10% reduction in the slight casual rate.

These are tough targets to reach an we need the support of all those directly involved ,, in other words, every road user in Hertfordshire.

Stephen Cavender

Head Of Road Policing, Hertfordshire