While supporters of Mr Collins (who refuses to go metric) continue airing their spurious arguments in your columns, it is interesting to see even the Queen has not escaped a reprimand from Norfolk Councils trading standards department.

It would appear the Queens Sandringham estate sawmill has had to change the way it labels its products after trading standards found it flouting metrication laws.

The Queens sawmill has agreed to start selling wood in metres rather than in feet and to acquire the appropriate metric measuring devices.

Complying with the law obviously presents no royal problem and I understand a spokesperson has said the Queen always acts according to whatever legislation is in place at the time.

Her Majesty and other traders agree to abide by this legislation.

One wonders what purpose it serves to do otherwise, unless the sole aim is to tie up the councils resources and attempt to waste public money in the process.

Councillor Colleen Saunders

Spokesperson for Sutton Trading Standards