IN last week's Guardian Cllr Sally Buckley wrote about how poster companies have erected hundreds of hoardings across the borough without planning permission.

It takes a long time to have them removed through the courts, and the council's planning section is looking to appoint additional staff to deal with the issue.

How about a simpler solution? Instead of employing more staff and spending more money on legal fees, why doesn't the council instead develop its own smaller poster, and stick this on top of the illegal one?

It should say something like "This hoarding has been erected without planning permission. The council may pursue the company through the courts to have it removed. In the meantime, boycott this product!"

This would cost the council less and look bad for both the poster company and the brand that is being advertised. They'd stop putting up illegal hoardings pretty quickly, I'm sure!


Liberal Democrat Press Officer,

Waltham Forest