Fast cars, outspoken headwear, and a voice that sounds uncannily like Stevie Wonder that's the artist known as Jamiroquai, writes Keith D'Souza.

It's also hard to believe that he has been around for almost the best part of a decade with a fifth album A Funk Odyssey in tow.

So what of the musical content? Well, if you haven't heard of Jamiroquai's sounds before, they have a very funky 70s retro feel about them, and have been present throughout his past albums. However, this is where the artist and the album let themselves down.

It's quite healthy for an artist to try out different things, but more often than not, they stick with what they are good at. However, with Jamiroquai, I doubt whether you would be able to distinguish this offering from any of the others that he has done. I hoped for something different from this quite talented chap, but was rather disappointed. I could honestly say that there is only one song You Give Me Something that appeals, but the rest of the songs just sound too familiar and the same to be distinguishable.

Overall, there's nothing really exciting about this just simply standard Jamiroquai music.

It would do well for background music, but unfortunately it just seems as though it's all be done before. Shame really, as this album did sound promising.

November 8, 2001 16:31