More than 200 responses from Guardian readers backing Hollie's Fight For Justice campaign have poured in after the paper helped launch it on November 1 writes

Angeline Albert.

The campaign, which calls for a pelican crossing at St Peter's Road and a change in the law, has generated a big response according to the family of 15 year-old Hollie Waller, of Cowley Crescent, Waddon, who died the night before Valentine's Day after being hit by a car while crossing St Peter's Road.

Hollie's aunt, Andrea Pierce said: "There's been a big response resulting from the article.

"Lots of people have been asking for petitions and we've received many letters of support.

"One man held an event in a nightclub to raise awareness for the campaign and wants more petitions to take them round the clubs in the area."

The Broadgreen Avenue resident said: "We're going to St Peter's Road on Thursday, November 15, to see if residents there will support us in our campaign for a crossing.

"We've got posters done so we're hoping residents and local businesses will put them up in their windows.

"My letter about the crossing has gone off to Croydon council's highway department and we are hoping to get Richard Ottaway, MP for Croydon South's backing."

The driver that accidentally knocked Hollie down received a £150 fine and a two year driving ban after pleading guilty to reckless driving at Croydon Magistrates court on October 19.

The change in the law that Hollie's family are seeking will mean death and injury are no longer regarded by the courts as minor traffic offences.

Mrs Pierce added: "My daughter has written a letter to Cherie Blair and we will be presenting our petition to Downing Street soon."

November 15, 2001 09:30