IT'S time to review the laws concerning the selling of fireworks to the public.

Living on the Chingford Hall estate, the daily and nightly disruptions of screaming rockets and very loud bangs are truly unnerving for pets and people alike.

It seems that bangers and rockets now almost resemble sounds of artillery shells and mortars.

Last evening, November 10, a gang of around four to five youths ran around a nearby block of flats throwing powerful bangers at each other and into the flats.

A neighbour told me of a young man casually walking about between 8pm and midnight holding a pistol-like device that fired explosive charges.

Most definitely gone are the evenings of families cheering fireworks around the bonfire in the back garden. These days, mobs of idiots roam about behaving irresponsibly for a period of over two weeks, alarming the nervy, and elderly, potentially causing fires, endangering health and safety and frightening all manner of animals and birds.

Fireworks are being abused, so it's high time to ban them.

B.JONES, Chingford.