ST JOHN OPEN: On Saturday, December 1, there will be an open day at St John Ambulance Divisional Headquarters, 84A Crayford Way, Crayford, from 10am to 3pm. Would-be Badgers, Cadets, and adult members are invited to go along to find out exactly what St John Ambulance members do (and why they do it), have their questions answered, look over the ambulance and have a go at some first aid themselves. All ages are welcome to attend

FESTIVE BAZAAR: Meopham's Nurstead Court is holding a Christmas bazaar on Saturday, November 24, with proceeds going to St Mildred's Church. The event runs from 10am to 12.15pm, and features stalls including Christmas goods, home produce, cake stalls, tombolas, raffles, and a barrow of booze. The 50p admission fee includes coffee.

COFFEE TIME: A seasonal coffee evening will be held at the Lions Hospice in Coldharbour Road, Northfleet on November 28. The coffee evening starts at 6.30pm and there will be music, stalls and bric-a-brac. Entrance is 50p which includes coffee and biscuits. For more information, call 01474 320007.

November 20, 2001 12:39