SALES managers and agents are in for a hair-raising experience by letting their concern for children go to their heads.

For the men, who are sure to raise an eyebrow or two, are planning to go bald for a very good cause.

The men, all managers and agents from an insurance company in Woodford Green, will be having their hair and eyebrows shaved off at high noon tomorrow (Friday).

But sales manager Danny James will keep his hair on during the great insurance shave-in, as he will have his dark locks dyed blond instead.

The shave-in has been organised by staff at the Johnston Road, based Co-op Insurance company and senior district office clerk Nina Crooks.

She said: "We are hoping to raise £10,000 for the Whipps Cross Hospital baby unit. The company has about 40 agents and each one is armed with a sponsor form. Hopefully they will collect money when they visit clients, many of which are large companies."

The insurance men will be shaved and dyed by the female members of staff who are all looking forward to getting their hands on the razors.