JUNIOR schoolchildren will have their say next week when a delegation of 36 outspoken youngsters visit Knowle Green to push for more leisure facilities.

The delegates from the area's 18 schools, all aged between seven and 11 years, will tell Spelthorne Council's head of leisure services, Liz Botherwick, and Spelthorne mayor cllr Vic Drinkwater how the borough can improve its leisure provision and activities for young people.

All junior pupils were invited to suggest activities and events they would like to see introduced before selecting two representatives to voice their views.

John Clarke, chairman of the federation and head of Spelthorne Junior School, said: "This is a great opportunity for the children to be introduced to citizenship at an early age. It will also give them the chance to put forward their views on a topic of great interest to them and reinforce the idea that, despite their age, they will be listened to and their views taken into consideration."

Part of Spelthorne's Junior Citizenship scheme, the 36 kids will also tour the hallowed council offices, meet its chief executive Michael Taylor and hear about the history of the borough before taking part in a quiz.