CHILD sex graffiti scrawled inside a notorious public toilet block is the final straw for residents who want the building a haunt for drug users and vandals pulled down.

Conservative councillors are now backing the fight to pull down the dilapidated toilets in Pinner Road, North Harrow.

Councillors Eric Silver and Adrian Knowles, who highlighted the issue at a Cabinet meeting on Tuesday last week, called for it to be replaced with a modern Automatic Public Convenience (APC).

Harrow Police's Community Safety Unit has started an investigation after a council employee alerted it to particularly offensive graffiti on one of the toilets cubicle doors.

Detective Sergeant Jacob Johnson told the Cabinet in a letter that it described 'from a child's perspective what he/she wanted 'uncle' to do to them, sexually'.

No suspects have yet been identified, although he added: "Similar graffiti has appeared in public conveniences in Hertfordshire and officers from this unit have liaised with Hertfordshire Police."

A spokesman for the Headstone Residents' Association said the state of the building attracted vandals and other criminals.

Members have complained to the police after they found that some graffiti pointed to 'perverted inclinations'.

However, the building was once a well-maintained facility and an attractive feature for shoppers, said Chris Overson, chairman of the Pinner South Residents' Association.

"The fabric of the building has fallen into disrepair and is now an unattractive eyesore detracting from the vitality of the shopping area. The site now seems to be a gathering place for vandals and drug users. The building is covered in graffiti, some of which is particularly offensive and obscene," said Mr Overson.

By.Rachel Clarke