PUPILS from Woodbridge High School and Language School, Woodford Green, celebrated the festival of Divali.

Hindu students were joined by their fellow classmates in decorating classrooms with festive lights, ornaments and tasting traditional food.

Pupils said it was a wonderful opportunity to develop awareness of each others cultures.

A special piece was written for the occasion by learning support assistant, Rakshmi Mishra.


Peace is the need of the hour

around the world today.

Perhaps in the celebration of each

others festivals, we can understand

that we all belong to the same family.

The family of humanity.

Perhaps in our childhood and youth,

we can begin to understand and respect

each other for our diversity in colour, race,

gender and religion.

In this way we can make a better and more dignified world for ourselves.

Lets step forward to light the lamps of happiness, joy, prosperity and awareness in our hearts.

Make this the a first step towards Peace.