A lot of people may have heard of ME, but how many really understand the illness? It's other name, chronic fatigue syndrome, probably tells you a little more about it, but as many doctors remain sceptical about the viral condition - you would be forgiven for remaining less than well informed.

Sutton residents looking for a good place online to start finding out more could do a lot worse than pay a visit to the Sutton Me/cfs Support Group (see link below).

This group, which outside the world of virtual reality resides at 318 Malden Road in North Cheam, began life just a few years ago, in 1997, by Jo Fox as a point of contact for carers and sufferers. Since then it has blossomed to over 130 members and keeps up to 250 in touch with the latest news via its mailing list.

The site is a very simple, but professional-looking, affair. It tells the visitor about the group itself, meetings, newsletters, its campaign for an ME clinic in Sutton as well as listing its programme of activities for the year and including a reading list.

It also includes contact details for other support groups and links to other ME groups online as well as websites set up by other ME sufferers - my only complaint is that a couple of those links appear to be out of date.

Nonetheless, well worth a visit for those suffering from ME, or just wondering what it's all about.

November 27, 2001 17:30