Many of us in London have become concerned about the increased number of controlled parking zones (CPZ).

While accepting the need for restricting the use of the motor car and increasing the use of public transport, it seems to me that, in some places, there have been some unnecessary and counter-productive measures taken.

Avebury Road, for instance, south of Dundonald Park. This road has been traditionally used by commuters, who left their cars there and walked to Wimbledon station. But now the whole road is in a CPZ.

The time restrictions are such that a commuter would be unlikely to be able to use it because of the seven-hour limit.

You may ask why should we provide for commuters? But why not? Its all very well to consult before setting up a CPZ, but no-one ever consulted the commuters who parked in that street. And in any event, hardly anyone else wants to park there take a look at any time of the day.

When the review of the operation of the CPZs takes place, can I ask that obvious mistakes such as Avebury Road be corrected?


Bronson Road

West Wimbledon