Yet another day begins and I am in a rage because I have seen the same bloke who passes-by nearly every morning and lets his dog crap right on the pavement, and he isn't the only one. I see it all the time. I have one thing to say to these scum dog owners if you are not prepared to pick it up then you shouldn't have a dog. I've got three kids and at least once a week one of them treads in a pile of dog mess I spend my walk to school and back hollering at them not to tread in it, but its a bit bloody difficult when there seems to be a new pile every 25 steps. I am not accusing all dog owners of indiscriminate muck spreading I see lots of own-ers who do pick it up, and when I do, I feel like cheering. You would think that people with kids would be the people most likely to pick up their dogs poo, but actually this isn't true I see people standing there with a child on one hand and a dogs lead in the other with a dog attached to it craping on the pavement, you can see them looking around to check no one is watching then they drag the dog and child away from the scene of the crime as quickly as they can. I've even had a mum from the school stand right in front of me let her dog poo right across the pavement so no body could get past without treading in some of it by the time I came back from dropping my daughter off it was smeared all over the path. Its no good telling these people to pick it up all you will get is a mouthful of abuse and told "if your so bothered why don't you pick it up?". Why the hell should I !! I don't have a dog cause I don't like clean-ing up behind them I'm not about to start pooperscooping someone else's dogs mess!. Does Bromley Council have a way to deal with this problem. I see notices everywhere threatening prosecution for dog fouling but who actually enforces this? it will take more than a tiny notice on a lamp post to deter these lazy people and its about time something was done.


Kings Road

Biggin Hill

December 5, 2001 13:23