How depressing to read that stroke care at West Middlesex Hospital has been described as 'appalling' ( 'West Mid stroke care 'appalling' Guardian, November 29).

The report makes for worrying reading and the excuses given, regarding a lack of funding, are typical of a situation which is threatening to cripple the whole of the NHS.

Gordon Brown announced in his pre-Budget statement that he intended to find the funds to support the NHS. It's about time.

Although, equally typically, it is the taxpayer who will be asked to cough up the bill.

It seems to be a lose/lose situation at the moment. Higher taxes for poorer health care.

Until the government stops talking up the NHS and actually starts delivering on its rhetoric, the situation at hospitals such as West Mid will only get worse.

West Mid used to be a great hospital. It needs help to become one again.

M Such

Twickenham Road
