SHAKING babies can often lead to brain damage or the child's death, according to the Kent Child Protection Committee's new campaign.

Posters and leaflets saying "It's not okay to shake babies" will be available in clinics, surgeries and schools across north Kent as part of the campaign.

The posters will also be displayed on buses on routes through the main towns and villages in Kent.

The aim of the campaign is to prevent abuse and encourage parents and carers to seek help at an early stage.

Chairman of Kent Child Protection Committee Peter Gilroy said: "Even the most loving parents may be frustrated, angry or depressed when a baby will not feed properly or when it cries and won't be comforted and may feel driven to shaking their baby.

"Each year, hospitals throughout the country have to deal with injuries to babies caused by shaking. These are usually very serious and can result in permanent physical or mental disability. It can often result in the child's death."

For details, call 01622 694859.

December 7, 2001 13:11