There will be a reading of the seasonal story A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, at Bexleyheath Meth- odist Church this Saturday.

The performance, by Reg Bartlett, who is in his 70s, is being given in support of the National Children's Home.

Reg started doing these readings three years ago because the charity is very close to his heart. He said: "It goes on for about two-and-a-half hours. I don't know of anybody who would be able to stay for as long as that but we'd be very glad if people would pop in for as little or as long as they'd like."

Admission is free but the audience will be asked to pledge whatever they can by sponsoring this event. Any amount, however large or small, will help to alleviate the plight of the many less-privileged children in the care of the National Children's Home.

If you can't get to the church in time donations can be dropped in at any time or posted. Make cheques payable to Bexleyheath Methodist Church (NCH).

Dec 15, Reading of A Christmas Carol, Bexleyheath Methodist Church, Church Road, Bexleyheath, 10.15am, free, donations welcome.

December 10, 2001 18:51

Joan Gardner