IN the Guardian, the name of Linda Perham MP (Ilford North), keeps cropping up.

These reports cover a wide range of matters of concern to her constituents.

Three examples are her support for the retention of the valued Redbridge magistrates court, her unremitting backing of the wonderful project of the Haven House Children's Hospice, and her call for an extension of the winter fuel allowance to the one million disabled people who at this moment do not qualify.

This letter is written on behalf of my association which welcomes and is empowered by the support that it receives.

This applies to the Guardian as well as Mrs Perham. She and her local colleagues have given unstinted support for our just claims to secure a reasonable standard of life for all retired folk.

Our letters are received and speedily responded to, showing support and understanding of our justifiable claims. This gives power to our elbow.

It enables us 'old codgers' to remain alert and active, despite our advancing years. The aggregate age of my committee is more than five centuries.

GUS KRAYER, Redbridge Pensioners' Action Association organiser, Ashurst Drive, Ilford.