Eleanor Brazil, strategic director of community services for Sutton Council,, said: "If the project was situated next to my house I would be fine about it. I think it would not be a problem. I think some of the residents could think about being good neighbours and understand that the youths there are not monsters.

"The children would benefit from good neighbours and I think all the people at the meeting had the potential to be good neighbours.

"Myself and Simon went to the public meeting primarily to listen but also to ensure we could we could give information and respond to the concerns raised.

"I was stunned about the lack of sympathy that the public meeting had for young people who have had very unfortunate lives. I'm an optimist and I thought there was a definite shift towards the end of the meeting.

"I'm remaining positive about the committee members' continued support for what is clearly a good service."

December 13, 2001 16:30