JUST a year after Mahan Sharma launched the EMD cinema in what used to be the Walthamstow ABC/Odeon, he can claim it is a thriving concern.

Distributors have agreed that it can show new releases, the latest of which is Lord of the Rings which will open next Wednesday, December 19.

And there are plans to refurbish the grade-two listed cinema, making it a venue for concerts and theatre as well as films.

When Mr Sharma took over the cinema a landmark since it was built in 1930 in Hoe Street there was a groundswell of public anger that the Odeon chain banned him from showing any films other than Asian ones.

Guardian readers, the then newly-formed McGuffin's Film Society and MP Neil Gerrard succeeded in overturning the restrictive covenant, enabling the showing of all language movies.

At first, film distributors would not give the EMD the latest releases because of its independent status, and it had to make do with second showings.

But the cinema's record appears to have persuaded the distributors that the EMD is a going concern.

It was given permission to show previews of Harry Potter before the official release date.

Improvements to the building and its facilities could begin early in the New Year.

The long-term plan is to re-introduce bar, cafe and restaurant areas and have more music, comedy and theatre in the main auditorium.

In the past, major stars like the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and Buddy Holly have played there.

In the meantime, reduced price tickets at £3.50 each are available to any film shown from Monday to Thursday.

Call 8520 7092 for more details.TO celebrate the opening of Lord of the Rings next Wednesday, the EMD is offering three pairs of ticket vouchers to enable the winners and their friends to see any film they want at the cinema.

To enter, just answer the question below and send it with your name, address and telephone number to Pat Stannard, Waltham Forest Guardian newsdesk, 480-500 Larkshall Road, E4 9GD, by first post next Tuesday, December 18.In Lord of the Rings, what does Gollum call the ring throughout both the book and the film?