A Barnet clinic has raised a 300-strong petition in protest at Queen Elizabeth's School after it claimed the school's open days are preventing its elderly and disabled patients from receiving treatment.

Wood Street Clinic says parking restrictions imposed by police and the Highways Agency during open days at the Queens Road school are forcing many patients to miss appointments.

Anita Cole, who has run the practice for 17 years with her husband Mervyn, said: "We never used to have any problems but things have recently got progressively worse.

"QE School is starting to have exam and open days and the police are coning off the whole of Wood Street from the top of Bell Lane to the Arkley pub.

"We feel that people are finding it very intrusive because the school holds its open days on a week day and the whole of the surrounding area has to suffer for it," Mrs Cole added.

Staff and patients at the Wood Street clinic have to park ten minutes walk away when the street is coned off to allow a free run of traffic for the school's parents.

But headteacher Dr John Marinkowitz insisted his school was not to blame and the lack of parking within Barnet was more of a problem.

He said: "We have taken quite a lot of steps in order to help our neighbours and we always consult them and send them letters.

"The only times the school is busy is once a year in November when we have an open evening and when we have the exams in December. I think the problem would be resolved if proper parking was made available for the clinic."

December 17, 2001 14:04