I wanted to respond to your article about Muslim children bullied at school. I was abroad at the time of the September 11 attacks.

As a Muslim born and raised in Britain, I was surprised to hear of the reaction that Muslims were facing in Britain.

I was hearing of Muslims being verbally abused and living in fear. This is not the Britain that I knew. What is even more worrying is when children are being affected.

Bullying should not be tolerated for any reason. If Muslim children are being bullied then it should be seen in the same light as if a black child was being bullied or a child wearing glasses.

It is unacceptable and schools and the wider community need to reiterate this view.

Our goal should be to return to living in communities without fear. Islam teaches kindness and respect.

We are taught to take care of our neighbours. This is the message that should be reaching the children.

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