I am an almost daily user of the St Georges car park in central Wimbledon. Its conveniently located near to shops, post office and banks.

However, I find it ridiculous that it imposes a minimum charge of 60p for one hours parking.

Quite often I am only there for 10 minutes at a time, so Merton is making a fortune from me and probably many other car park users.

The council certainly does not put any money back into the car park.

For as long as I can remember the stairwells between the upper and lower levels have been vandalised with graffiti, pools of urine, broken glass and beer cans.

These stairwells are in fact very dangerous for young and old alike, because there is no natural daylight and the artificial lighting in them is always broken.

It is very easy to miss a step and fall to the bottom.

So wake up Merton. If you are going to rip us all off to park in our own town centre, then at least make it a safe place to be.


London SW19