Inspired by her home town's 500th anniversary, freelance photographer Anne Purkiss has been taking a close look at her neighbourhood.

And with the support of Orleans House Gallery she has compiled a unique collection of photographs of people who live and work in the Borough of Richmond.

Her black and white images taken over the last 18 months offer a very personal view of the people who lend this historic town its distinct character. Some of the faces are household names while others provide local colour and have interesting stories of their own.

The exhibition comprises 80 pictures of people from Stan Rust, Ferryman at Hammerton's Ferry, to film moguls Sir Richard Attenborough and Richard Lester.

Anne studied journalism and photography in Germany. She has worked freelance since 1998, and has made annual contributions to the National Portrait Gallery's photographic collection.

The exhibition will be accompanied by films produced by young people in Richmond organised in partnership with Heatham House Youth Club, Twickenham.

Local Faces runs until January 27 2002, and for further details see the listings.

December 27, 2001 14:00